Saturday, November 17, 2007

The view from the top

The other day I posted on Northern Art Glass and the beautiful work they do. Here is some work they're doing right now -- putting in new stained glass windows in the southwest tower of the East Block, on Canada's Parliament Hill. The work involves installing large windows on all four sides of the tower and on two levels. No small feat! Here are some shots, both inside and out. The view's incredible, isn't it? And, don't you think the tower looks like it has a face? Intentional or not -- who knows! It was a long time ago, but maybe someone was having some fun and seeing who'd notice! ...


Anonymous said...


/// said...

OMG that is breathtaking!!!

Neutral Dwelling said...

A cute surprising face!

Jennifer said...

It is a cute suprising face, isn't it? One day I'm going to do a bit of poking around, and see if this face was done on purpose, or just by chance!